Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i once was blind but now i see

moive recommendation!
if u feel the need to be inspired or u just like to watch movies. i highly recommend
drum roll please. this movie was released only in dvd.
what's the title.
its amazing grace.
yeah. not the song, nope. somewhere along the lines.
haha. its a movie based on a few centuries back.
so do expect, some real good, rich and strong, slightly phlegmy english accents.
hehe..i dont mean to make fun.

the thing is, purchase the dvd. and u will follow along just nice.
with the english subtiltles.

the content?
in a nut shell, is abt slavery.
moral values
dont turn up your nose.
cos slavery is still happening in the 21st century. but just in different forms.
slave to your master. if u think abt how a slaves depend on their master.
and how it needs its master for income, and shelter and just the bare necessecties
how about a 21st century teen? how can it apply?

slave to your laptop there are quite a handful of ppl really dependent on their electronic consoles,materialistic things and even, their maids..(helpers,people who clean up after a family)
i for one love to go online. and only think abt the stuff going on in my life and family's.
theres nothing wrong with being human.. doing things for yourself
maybe i wasn't fully aware that there was such a thing as slavery,
its hard to put yourself in their shoes and imagine yourself in an english, jane austen era?
and the fact that the movie potryed something so historical, yet really important.
i could feel the injustice as i watched the movie.

so maybe i compare, Singapore is so secure and protected.
theres not blatant "slavery"
im channeling my compassionate side. yet, who needs the pity?

so its actually this guy a few centuries ago who made that difference. he went into law. and by went into law, he took on the full responsibilty (with a few aids) and it took him so many years to abolish the slave act.
his actions and words are really honourable and admirable.
i can't remember the details. like the year and the names.
i watched it a month ago, i think.
but all i know is that im kinda interested in law. making a difference.
using your voice and giving a voice to those who cant speak.

its more along the lines of making something so importance. it has turned into something u idolize, or cant live without.
yup, this is some deep stuff, rather controversial topics im broaching,
so its just a movie,haha, based on a true story. and im just a girl suggesting that u should watch it.


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