Sunday, August 31, 2008

26 Things to do on an elevator

1) When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and then
pretend it wasn't you.
2) Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.
3) Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the wrong ones.
4) Call the Psychic Hotline from your cell phone and ask if they know what floor your on.
5) Hold the doors open and say your waiting for a friend. After a while, let the doors close, and
say, "Hi Greg. How's your day been?"
6) Drop a pen and wait until someone goes to pick it up, then scream, "That's mine!"
7) Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the elevator.
8) Move your desk into the elevator and whenever anyone gets on, ask if they have an
9) Lay down the twister mat and ask people if they would like to play.
10) Leave a box in the corner, and when someone gets on, ask them if they can hear ticking.
11) Pretend you are a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the passengers.
12) Ask, "Did you feel that?"
13) Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally.
14) When the doors close, announce to the others, "It's okay, don't panic, they open again!"
15) Swat at flies that don't exist.
16) Tell people that you can see their aura.
17) Call out, "Group Hug!” and then enforce it.
18) Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering, "Shut up, all of you, just
shut up!"
19) Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside, ask, "Got enough air in there?"
20) Stand silently and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off.
21) Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce in horror, "Your one of THEM!" and
back away slowly.
22) Wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to the other passengers.
23) Listen to the elevator walls with your stethoscope.
24) Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
25) Stare, grinning at another passenger for a while, then announce, "I have new socks on".
26) Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers, "This is
MY personal space!"
[copied it from a facebook group]

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Time Flies

however cliche it may sound,time does fly!
i woke up at 9.15 today.
and i 'hung around' doing nothing much..
brushed my teeth and washed my face.
and when i looked at the clock again it was 10.15!
what happened to the 60 mins? does it really pass so fast?
i then go to my work-planning for a compo.
and before i knew it it was 11.15!

so for those who have seen my blog title.. its pretty big and obvious..
i am home schooled. so i don't go to school. not for the last 2 years and 7 months.
so studying at home does have its not having to wake up in the wee hours of the morning.

anyway. time management is vital. how do i spend my 24 hours? exactly how many hours is spent not studying?
its august already! and its august 19! only two more weeks and it going to be september!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

things i need to do before 3am

type(santi's stuff)
print(movie paper)

and then snooze

plants sleep?

so i came back from my cousins house and after eating dinner at serangoon.
i stopped to stare at the full moon.
the lock does not open by itself. and the key was not present at that moment.
so getting bored by staring at the moon. i shifted my attention to the rose pot.
i told my grandma that there were two buds on its way to blooming and i may have touched it ever so gently, i wanted a closer look.

and she reacts in a somewhat surprisingly protective manner.
in broken english she says that the plants are sleeping.
verbatim- "aye(aa)! the plant is sleeping!"

i smile in spite of myself.
she chides me as if i had just disturbed a human being while it was sleeping.
its only 10, the plants go to sleep at 10??
she carries on to say that i didn't read the 'book' so i won't know.
she gestures with her hand trying to make me understand.

i get it now. she had the greenest fingers i have known so far...
we have a whole row of plants outside our house and she waters them and tends them daily
i have to respect their sleeping times. and listen to her.
if not they won't look as good as they do.
sorry atta!

Friday, August 15, 2008


Blogs, blogging, bloggers.... and me

i used to think blogging was overrated.
that was all my friends were talking about a few years ago.
what does the word blog really mean? what was so great about blogging?
i didn't want to conform. that was one less thing that i didn't have.. in a good sense.
i was different, i didn't have a blog. neither did i have a google account.

and then i read this guys blog. and my mentality changed. even though blogging has been around for years. it seemed like such a cool thing. after i read his blog, it made me feel like bothering to enter in my gmail account and racking my brain for that password..
so there you have it folks i have succumbed to the addictive and fascinating power of writting down my inner most thoughts for the whole world wide web to be privy to.

this blog page will be my way of adding to the noise,out of the billions of peeps who have a blog,
here i am, using my voice- or in other words my two fingers to type down things that i feel and think. i hope that this blog will force me to write and document my thoughts. the structure that i need to improve in my english...(kind of)
and sort of an outlet for me to see my growth as a person and a student studying at home.
i will post my compositions,essays,poems,shoutouts to my peeps,pictures,recordings of my day and funny stuff.

it will be so cool to look back when im like 50 years old and read my old stuff all over again.
thank you all for reading and do comment!
if you know me do say something!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

India 2008 (CIP trip. NUS Navigators)

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of India?Lets get some things straightend out- India is not some third world country neither is it full of dark skinned people with red dots on their foreheads! People don't dance around trees when their in love, at least not that i know of (that only happens in the movies). I have not been to every part of India, but India is nothing foreign to me, the city Bengaluru in particular.

The sights, smells, the tastes and just being, In India, is something that I have experienced a couple of times. However, what was different on this trip were the people going along, the people that I had to eat, sleep and breathe with for the next 10 days. The ‘team’ consisted of my parents- Supra and Yin Wah, Me, Samantha, Wing Man, Caleb, Wei Qi and Ying Xian.

The trip can be basically broken down into three parts. The first part is at Breakthrough, the next at YWAM and then Yelligiri Hills

We left Singapore real early in the morning and reached Bangalore sometime in the afternoon. When we reached the driver tied our suitcases to the hood of the car, just piled 7 bags on the top with rope and we were off. The wind was really strong. It felt like I could be blown away and just get swept up in the whirlwind of India.

We spent the first three days at Breakthrough- a training facility with a high ropes course. The trademark monument of Breakthrough is its tree that has broken through a 60 foot rock, and still stands tall. Being at breakthrough was fun- jumping on a trampoline and swinging from a tire; having devotion on the huge rock with the tree wedged in the middle.
The team assisted the facilitators during a program with Bethany High School.
Samantha and Wei Qi climbed up a rickety ladder to a platform where they stayed for 2 hours helping to unhook and latch 50 something safety harnesses.
The rest of us also helped out on the ground with loosening straps, shuttling ropes back and forth and climbing up yellow ladders to free hanging teenagers. (What I mean is that after people slid down from the flying fox, Caleb or Ying xian would have to unhook them from the rope in order for them to get down.) At Breakthrough we also got to experience a group activity with many applicable life lessons. This activity is called the meat grinder or as the guys dubbed it ‘the meat slap’. It is this big contraption, sort of shaped like a machine that churns out meat. There were two posts and a wooden wheel placed in the middle. The wheel could be turned. We stood on one side of the wheel and we had to slide people across using that wheel.
The way of accomplishing this rather physical task is to have two people lift you up and slide you gently on that wheel and sort of roll you onto the other side where there are shoulders provided for you to rest your upper body weight on. Okay that sounds weird… in more simple terms, you would be lifted and passed over that wheel and you have to hold onto a persons shoulder while two others grabbed your legs.
In summary, the activity showed us what an encouragement it is to others when they take that step of faith to get over the wheel and see a pair of hands reaching out to help you. When you apply it to a situation or a circumstance, (which in our team’s case) is the Grace Communities. How would a stranger from the outside view us as a community? Are we reaching out with arms wide open, eager to receive the person sliding over that wheel? Or are we standing back with our arms crossed over our chest just watching the individual roll over?

Our host Robin Paul took us out on all three nights to a shopping mall, a Christian bookroom (where Sam almost bought the whole store) and to Brigade road which is something like Orchard Road. There in town, we got to experience the more tourist friendly spots.

We also did a program for 20 slum children all the way from 3 years old and up. We found out each of their backgrounds, many of the children had lost family members. There was one boy who actually watched his own drunkard dad kill his sister.

As I listened to the children’s past I felt my heart go out for them, on the other hand I didn’t think the words ‘I pity them’ were suitable. The children had dressed up (only one boy came wearing sandals, the rest were barefoot) that day was something special for them. A treat so to say. They had lunch and loads of fun playing games and walking with such agility through the low ropes course. They had a great time just being a child.
I felt like they didn’t need our pity, they just wanted someone to play with them and love them.
I remember as I stood against the wall and watched them play, a girl turned around and saw me excluded from their circle of fun. She waved at me to come on over and join them in their game. One particular girl was so adorable. The image of her is still planted in my mind. She came decked out in Indian garb. A sari and the whole works. This 3 year old wore eyeliner and bangles. Imagine that!
We also did a mime for the kids. Ying xian shared his captivating conversion story through a translator.

Caleb did a first aid course the following day, educating the people in Breakthrough.
Dad did a DISC session on our last day there.

YWAM- youth with a mission.

After a real long drive and having difficulty finding the place, we arrived and were greeted by a great big bee hive on the wall at the entrance; it was just hanging from the wall’s ceiling.

The time at YWAM was packed with activities back to back. We visited a village school and did a program there.

We also made house visits in the village. The first house we went to was just a tiny, dark rectangular room with a single bed. All of us crammed in and sat on the floor. 11 people lived in that house. A room and a kitchen were all they had to house them. At that point of time the fact that 11 people shared that tiny space did not really affect me. I sat on the floor and felt disconnected. They were strangers and yet as I reflect and try to put myself in their shoes. I certainly cannot imagine living in such conditions. Already there are times when I complain about my room being too small and here is a family of 11. I am truly blessed and privileged to have what I have. I think it is looking past my selfishness and just being content and grateful for the things God has provided for me.

The team also went to a study centre that was part of the YWAM ministry; there we were able to do our program-a skit with Ying Xian and Wei Qi being a midget, the hand mime and I was appointed to share my testimony to kids my age. It was tough expressing all that I had to say because they only spoke Kannada. Thankfully they had a translator.

The following morning we had to get up at 5 am in the wee hours of the morning. I’m pretty sure the bees were still sleeping. We drove around the different gates of Bangalore, praying as we went. The verses in 2 Chronicles 6, came to Ying xian in the car. Only when the Israelites turn from their sin, cry out to God, confessing and praying; then God will forgive them and restore their land. When you apply it to India, claiming these verses, I pray for the people to have a change in heart, Repentant and contrite hearts. I pray that they will realize their need for God. And learn to fear the Lord.
Vs. 30
That same day we went to the stone cutters’ village and as the name says it all. It’s a village where the people who cut stone with a hammer and chisel, live in.
There we did the hand mime, taught them the song with Christ in the vessel and for the guys they were used as a tower for many small King Kong’s’ to climb on and have a rowdy time. Many of the children wanted to be carried and Caleb is the record holder of 7 kids attempting to pile on him.

We girls were being led by the young kids; they clutched our hands and tugged on our Sal wars as they tried to communicate with the few words of English they knew.
Wing man was in her element as she interacted with the young girls, even allowing them to play with her hair and plant wet, sloppy kisses on her cheeks. I was encouraged by the way she rose up to the occasion. She actually broke the ice by shaking their hands followed then, by kissing them. To be really honest, these children are not your typical average kid. They live in a slum and do not exactly have the cleanest, most hygienic hands. I was hesitant about kissing their hands, but seeing wing man kiss each girl, I thought to myself ‘do I really have to do this?’ as I was standing next to her, accompanying her in the hand shaking. The girl turned to look at me and shoved her hand closer to my face expecting a kiss. I complied.
Yelligiri hills was a relaxing time. We received a flowery welcome. In India it is customary for important guests to receive a flower garland upon arrival at important events. We were the VIP’s. They graced us with heavy garlands of sweet smelling roses.

The team went to a park and all of us played at a playground, later on in the day we trekked up to the top of the hill. This being the very first time climbing up to that peak, it was really special. Seeing the great expanse of blue sky and breathing in fresh hill air. The view was so picturesque. And as you leaned over the edge you could actually look down, all the way down. I have to admit it was scary climbing up that one boulder to get to the peak. The wind was so strong I didn’t dare to stand up for long for the fear of the wind making me loose my balance.

India was a time for me to focus on other people as in the verses Philippians 2; 4 and 5, to step out of my comfort zone and be humble. The 10 days were a great learning experience and I hope to apply them from now on.